
What is Kiwi?

  • Kiwi is a fiber-rich, nutrient-dense fruit that comes in green and golden varieties. It has several health benefits, including positive effects on sleep and the gastrointestinal system, making them a great choice for children on the autism spectrum.

  • While the entire fruit is edible, most people consume the skin of only the golden variety because it is thinner and easier to chew.

  • Kiwi benefits all parts of the gastrointestinal system, from the esophagus to the stomach, the large and small intestines, and the intestinal barrier strengthening to ensure the walls are sturdy[2].

  • Kiwi is full of beneficial nutrients, especially fiber that rivals prunes' effects. It is also incredibly versatile and easy to incorporate into a diet.

  • Kiwi also helps with heart health, general gut health, and sleep, areas where many people with autism struggle.


Nutrient Breakdown

Kiwi is a great source of [1]:

Foods Containing Kiwi

  • Toppings for smoothie bowls or yogurt

  • Kiwi Chips

  • Marinades - most commonly on meat or fish

  • Salad dressings or fruit salads

  • Sorbet/ice cream

  • Dried fruit mix/trail mix

  • Jams/jellies

  • Smoothies or pouches

  • Fruit bars and leathers

Kiwi Alternatives

If your child doesn’t like kiwi yet or they are sensitive to them, here are some alternatives that are similar in nutritional value! 

Food Reactions

The body can respond to foods in many different ways including food allergies, food sensitivities, or food intolerances. If you suspect a food reaction, you can either choose to avoid the food or seek food reaction testing. Click here more information on the difference in types of food reactions and testing options

DISCLAIMER: Always consult with your pediatrician and/or your Registered Dietitian to help you test for a food reaction or to aid you in making individualized dietary changes.

Kiwi & Autism in the Research

There are no current studies on kiwi and autism. However, many of its nutritional properties address problems like gastrointestinal health, which are prevalent in those with autism.

Kiwi and Heart Health

  • Kiwi contains nutrients and enzymes that help lower blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart disease. One study found that consuming 3 kiwis a day decreased blood pressure, equivalent to 1 apple a day.[6] Other studies show that 1 kiwi a week can help lower cholesterol, another risk factor in heart disease.[9]

  • Other studies showed improved blood clotting and a reduction in forming scabs[7]. This is related to the function of our blood vessel linings, which also improves with kiwi consumption[6]. This can be beneficial as both preventative and therapeutic measures[8].

Kiwi and Sleep

  • Kiwi contains several antioxidants and serotonin, decreasing the amount of time needed to fall asleep and increasing the efficiency and quality of sleep.[10]

Kiwi and Cancer

  • Kiwi has properties that protect against cancer[13], especially skin cancers like melanoma, which is notoriously resistant to radiotherapy.

  • Some studies have shown that kiwi extract makes it easier for radiation to break down tumors and prevent cancer cells from multiplying.[12]

Kiwi and Gastrointestinal Health

  • Kiwi was first used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat gastrointestinal diseases and protect the gut lining[11]. Kiwi has protective properties that help strengthen this lining and produce mucin, a type of mucus that protects the inner walls of our bodies[11, 17]. This is especially prevalent in those with autism, given the increased risk of GI diseases that can damage the gut lining.

  • Kiwi contains properties similar to the gut lining. When kiwi was consumed, oxidative stress and inflammatory responses were significantly reduced in both healthy people and those with Crohn’s disease.[16].

  • According to a study on chronic constipation, kiwi has similar effects to prunes, though it is not as beneficial. The data tested included increased frequency, improved stool consistency of bowel movements, and reduced straining[14]. Kiwi improves protein digestion and constipation[19].

  • Another study focusing on IBS found that frequency, colon transit time,  and general bowel function significantly improved with kiwi consumption[15]. Kiwi also contributed to fecal bulk and the abundance of bacteria in the microbiome. This is due to the fiber found in the skin[18].

  • Kiwi also has positive effects on upper digestive health, including gastric reflux, delayed gastric emptying, nausea, and vomiting[2]. 

  • One’s microbiome is directly influenced by one’s diet and lifestyle, resulting in big changes in one’s health. Kiwi polyphenols help regulate the bacterias found in the microbiome, which influences one’s overall health, especially GI health[11].

Kiwi and Immune Health

Regular consumption of kiwi has been proven to improve immune function and antioxidant defense[19].

  • Descript[1]

    [2]Richardson DP, Ansell J, Drummond LN. The nutritional and health attributes of kiwifruit: a review. Eur J Nutr. 2018;57(8):2659-2676. doi:10.1007/s00394-018-1627-z


    [4] Tylewicz U, Nowacka M, Rybak K, Drozdzal K, Dalla Rosa M, Mozzon M. Design of Healthy Snack Based on Kiwifruit. Molecules. 2020;25(14):3309. Published 2020 Jul 19. doi:10.3390/molecules25143309

    [5] Pérez-Burillo S, Oliveras MJ, Quesada J, Rufián-Henares JA, Pastoriza S. Relationship between composition and bioactivity of persimmon and kiwifruit. Food Res Int. 2018;105:461-472. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2017.11.022

    [6] Svendsen M, Tonstad S, Heggen E, et al. The effect of kiwifruit consumption on blood pressure in subjects with moderately elevated blood pressure: a randomized, controlled study. Blood Press. 2015;24(1):48-54. doi:10.3109/08037051.2014.976979

    [7] Karlsen A, Svendsen M, Seljeflot I, et al. Kiwifruit decreases blood pressure and whole-blood platelet aggregation in male smokers. J Hum Hypertens. 2013;27(2):126-130. doi:10.1038/jhh.2011.116

    [8] Dizdarevic LL, Biswas D, Uddin MD, et al. Inhibitory effects of kiwifruit extract on human platelet aggregation and plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme activity. Platelets. 2014;25(8):567-575. doi:10.3109/09537104.2013.852658

    [9] Duttaroy AK. Cardioprotective properties of kiwifruit. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2013;68:273-282. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-394294-4.00015-8

    [10] Lin HH, Tsai PS, Fang SC, Liu JF. Effect of kiwifruit consumption on sleep quality in adults with sleep problems. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2011;20(2):169-174.

    [11] Yuan M, Chen X, Su T, Zhou Y, Sun X. Supplementation of Kiwifruit Polyphenol Extract Attenuates High Fat Diet Induced Intestinal Barrier Damage and Inflammation via Reshaping Gut Microbiome. Front Nutr. 2019;8:701957. Published 2019 Aug 30. doi:10.3389/fnut.2019.701957

    [12] Kou L, Zhu Z, Fajardo E, et al. Harnessing the Power of Kiwifruit for Radiosensitization of Melanoma. Anticancer Res. 2019;41(12):5945-5951. doi:10.19873/anticanres.15413

    [13] Collins AR. Kiwifruit as a modulator of DNA damage and DNA repair. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2013;68:283-299. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-394294-4.00016-X

    [14] Chey, Samuel W. MPH1; Chey, William D. MD, FACG1; Jackson, Kenya BS2; Eswaran, Shanti MD3. S0454 Randomized, Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Green Kiwifruit, Psyllium, or Prunes in U.S. Patients with Chronic Constipation. The American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2020 - Volume 115 - Issue - p S229 doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000000851


    [16] Ciacci C, Russo I, Bucci C, et al. The kiwi fruit peptide kissper displays anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects in in-vitro and ex-vivo human intestinal models. Clin Exp Immunol. 2014;175(3):476-484. doi:10.1111/cei.12229

    [17] Moughan PJ, Rutherfurd SM, Balan P. Kiwifruit, mucins, and the gut barrier. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2013;68:169-185. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-394294-4.00009-2

    [18] Monro JA, Paturi G. Kiwifruit Skin and Flesh Contributions to Fecal Bulking and Bacterial Abundance in Rats. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2020;75(4):525-531. doi:10.1007/s11130-020-00839-7

    [19] López-Sobaler AM, Aparicio Vizuete A, Ortega Anta RM. Beneficios nutricionales y sanitarios asociados al consumo de kiwi [Nutritional and health benefits associted with kiwifruit consumption]. Nutr Hosp. 2016;33(Suppl 4):340. Published 2016 Jul 12. doi:10.20960/nh.340

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Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD, CLT

Miriam Stein, Nutrition Student



