[Round Up] Christmas Recipes + Tips for a Merry Day!

The holidays can sometimes feel like a challenge to navigate when you have a child on the autism spectrum.  It can be tricky to find foods that fit into a nourishing diet that are still festive.  That’s why we’ve collected 20 autism recipe ideas that are free from gluten, dairy, soy, and corn (many are nut-free too!). Many of the breakfast options can be prepared ahead of time and then popped in the oven on Christmas morning for a stress-free start to the day.

Christmas week is a special time to catch up with loved ones, share a delicious meal, and time away from work and school to celebrate.  For kids on the autism spectrum, it can be a day full of unexpected surprises, which may cause stress due to the disruption in routine.  New foods, a busy household, and unfamiliar people can also cause stress for a child with autism. We’ve listed some of our top tips and favorite recipes to help your Christmas festivities be joyous for both you AND your child!


4 HolidayTips

  1. Talk about the day ahead of time - Sometimes knowing what to expect can make a big difference, so if your child is old enough to have a conversation about what the day will look like on Christmas or Christmas Eve, it can be helpful to talk about your plan for the day.  If there are choices your child is able to be a part of, try to include them.  For instance, if you are traveling, what snacks would they like to have that day, or what toy(s) would they like to bring with them to grandma’s house?  Giving them some input with the small things can help give them a sense of control on a day that is full of new and different things.

  2. Don’t put too much pressure on what your child eats - Christmas is just one day of the year, so if your child doesn’t want to eat anything on the family table, that’s okay.  Maybe ask your child ahead of time what they would like to eat, and include that on the meal plan, or get them involved in washing potatoes, or mixing the salad.  Try to keep things positive and help make happy Christmas memories with your child. Be sure to have their preferred foods prepped and ready to help them feel comfortable. If you do introduce new foods, start with a very small amount alongside the foods they like and love.

  3. Come up with a plan - Before the big day, try to think of how your child might respond to what you have planned and decide how you’ll handle it if your child gets overwhelmed.  Plan to have a quiet place for your child to retreat to if all the commotion gets to be too much and have an activity or item available that helps your child regulate and calm down.

  4. Talk to family ahead of time - If you’ll be going to someone’s house for Christmas, talk with the host ahead of time.  If they’re not familiar with your child’s needs or aversions, you may need to let them know that your child may not be able to participate in all festivities.  Your child might need a quiet place they can go if things get to be too much for them.  Sometimes a simple explanation ahead of time can help avoid any awkward situations at mealtime

Ultimately, Christmas is about family and togetherness, so above all, try not to put too much pressure on yourself to create the “perfect” day.  Focus on fun and quality time together, and don’t worry too much about all the details.  You’ve got this - the thing kids remember most is the time spent with family.

20 Christmas Recipes

Easy Christmas Breakfasts

What’s better than waking up on Christmas to only have to pop something in the oven? Preparing ahead of time can help you spend more time with your kids and not feel stressed on Christmas morning.

  • Gluten-Free Cinnamon Rolls (Egg-Free) - A recipe you can make the day before and pop in the oven on Christmas morning!

  • Chebe Gluten-Free Cinnamon Roll Mix - Want a pre-made cinnamon roll recipe? These are a delicious option that cuts down on prep time. (My mom makes these for my family every Christmas morning!)

  • Simple Mills Pumpkin Spice Pancakes - Simple Mills makes a delicious grain-free pancake mix that adds some Holiday spice! Pair with pure maple syrup.

  • Sausage Egg Casserole with Veggies - This casserole is perfect for serving a hearty breakfast for the whole family! Prepare it the night before and pop it in the oven when you wake up. This recipe is a great source of protein & brain-healthy fats. Omit or add vegetables that meet your child’s nutritional and sensory needs.

  • Coconut Banana Bread - An ANL recipe that is a crowd pleaser!

  • Pumpkin Bread - For those kiddos who love anything bread-based, this recipe is a keeper.  Just be sure to use gluten-free oat flour.

  • Pumpkin Pie Smoothie - Looking for an easy way to get in some extra nutrients on Christmas morning? Try our favorite smoothie!

Main Dishes

Many Christmas main dishes revolve around meat, which can be tough for an autistic kiddo to eat for a variety of reasons.  Meat can be notoriously tough for kids to chew and swallow, and many kids just don’t love the texture.  Here are some ideas to mix things up if you’re looking to try a twist on a traditional main dish!


Who doesn’t love a good dessert on Christmas?!?  It is definitely possible to have delicious gluten and dairy-free dessert, and here are a few of my favorites!

No matter what recipes you choose, Christmas will be special because of the time you spend as a family.  Get your child involved in the kitchen, watch a favorite Christmas movie, get outside and play in the snow, or play a favorite game.  There are so many great ways to connect and make Christmas special!

A note on ingredient quality: If possible, choose products with ingredients that are primarily organic and non-GMO. Stores such as Sprouts, Natural Grocers, Whole Foods, and other health food stores can help finding higher-quality products and ingredients. If access to higher quality products isn't an option for you, choose the best option that is available to you locally.


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