AB&J Smoothie

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Almond butter is a great source of healthy fat, fiber, and protein. Combining these nutrients helps keep your child full and nourished until their next meal or snack. Almond butter is also high in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that children with autism are at risk of depletion for (and almond butter has three times as much vitamin E as peanut butter!)

This AB&J Smoothie is highly customizable! You can swap nut butters (try cashew butter) or fruits for a different “jelly” flavor (try blueberries or raspberries - think berry jam!). Feel free to make adjustments according to your child’s sensory preferences and nutritional needs.

Due to the high fiber content in this recipe, this is a great meal for kids struggling with constipation.

Smoothies can be a great way to increase nutrient intake for picky eaters! Many children who are picky eaters have texture sensitivity. Since smoothies offer a smooth and consistent texture, they can be a nutritious addition to your child’s diet.


Optional Boosters:

  • Want an extra omega boost? Add 1 tbsp ground flax, hemp seeds, nut/seed butter, or frozen/fresh avocado

  • Need a protein boost? Add 1 scoop collagen powder or other protein powder

  • Love chocolate and antioxidants? Add 1 tsp cacao powder

  • Want an extra boost of veggies? Add 1/4 cup frozen cauliflower rice, frozen shredded zucchini, or a handful of frozen kale or spinach

    • Note: frozen will help maintain the consistency of the smoothie

    • For picky eaters, you might not start with adding veggies, just start with the basics and work your way up!

  • Certain supplements may be able to mix in smoothies, though be cautious as mixing a supplement in a highly nutritious food could cause a picky eater to lose the food/lose trust if it changes the taste drastically. Try it yourself before serving to your child and start with an extremely small amount and work your way up.

    • My preferred method to get kids to take supplements is the syringe method.

Note: Most ingredients above are linked to items at Thrive Market for your convenience. Sign up with this link to get 30% off your first order.

A note on ingredient quality: If possible, choose ingredients that are organic and non-GMO. Stores such as Sprouts, Natural Grocers, Whole Foods, and other health food stores can help finding higher-quality ingredients. If access to higher quality ingredients isn't an option for you, choose the best option that is available to you locally.


  1. Blend together bananas, frozen strawberries, nut butter, chia seeds, and nut milk

  2. Pour into a chilled glass and enjoy!

Nutrition Facts

Makes 1 Serving (can divide into 2 servings for younger children)

Calories: 452 | Protein: 13 grams | Fiber: 14 grams | Carbohydrates: 52 grams | Fat: 24 grams | Sugars: 25 grams


DIY Nut Milk


"Cheesy" Kale Chips