Fish Oil

What is Fish Oil?

Fish oil is the fat that is taken from fish tissue, including fatty fish like mackerel, cod, herring, and tuna. One of the most common fish oils is cod liver oil, which is harvested from the liver of codfish (as its name implies) and is also considered a type of fish oil. 

One of the most beneficial components of fish oil is omega-3 fatty acids. The body doesn’t produce its own omega-3s, so they must be consumed from the diet or from supplements. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the primary omega-3s in fish oil, and you will see the individual amounts listed on a Supplement Facts label on the back of a supplement bottle. Fish oil also often contains fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A and vitamin D.

If you’re looking for a vegetarian alternative, we suggest Algae (Algal) Oil as it is the closest nutritionally to fish oil.

Is Fish Oil Beneficial for Autism?

The short answer: yes! Fish oil contains highly concentrated levels of omega-3s, including EPA and DHA. Omega-3s are shown to be helpful for:

  • Brain function & development [1, 2]

  • Reducing inflammation [3]

  • Improving cognition, behavior, and mood [1]

  • ADHD [4, 5, 6, 7]

  • Anxiety [3]

  • Dysbiosis [8]

  • Depression [8, 9]

Research has indicated that children with autism have lower levels of omega-3s in the body than the general population [10]. This is likely due to a limited diet (see: picky eating).

Consuming sufficient amounts of omega-3, folate, & vitamin D3, as well as environmental toxin avoidance (see: toxic load), correcting nutritional deficiencies, and prolonged breastfeeding are all reported to be linked to the possible reduction of ASD. [11]

There have been many claims that fish oil can aid in apraxia and speech delay. To our knowledge, there are no current clinical backing this theory, just anecdotal evidence. However, we know that omega-3 fats can greatly benefit the developing brain including cognition and focus, which may potentially affect speech development as well.

Supplementing with fish oil shows many benefits for autism and can increase omega-3 levels, reduce inflammation, and support brain health & cognition. Be sure to choose a high quality product as some may have higher mercury levels and lower omega-3 concentration than others.



The established Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for total omega-3s is:

  • 700 mg for children ages 1-3

  • 900 mg for children ages 4-8

  • 1200 mg for males ages 9-13

  • 1000 mg for females ages 9-13

  • 1600 mg for males ages 14-18

  • 1100 mg for females ages 14-18

For children with ASD, a dose of double the DRI is often used, though higher levels may be used with the guidance of a healthcare practitioner. Very high dosages of fish oil can act as a blood thinner, so it’s recommended to discontinue the use of fish oil 7 days before any medical or dental procedure as it could cause additional bleeding.

Our favorite fish oil supplements*:

DISCLAIMER: Before starting any supplement or medication, always consult with your healthcare provider to ensure it is a good fit for your child. Dosage can vary based on age, weight, gender, and current diet.

*All supplements are linked to Amazon for convenience, however, buying supplements on Amazon does not guarantee quality, as there are many “unverified resellers” selling nutrition supplements. To buy supplements that are verified to be sent directly to the consumer, you can create an account on the Autism Dietitian FullScript and search for the supplement under “Catalog”.

**Gummy form often has the lowest levels of EPA and DHA, so if your child is able to take another form, liquid or capsule is often the most efficient at repleting nutrient levels.


Elisa Rocks, RDN, CLT

Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD, CLT


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