
What is Butyrate?

Butyrate is a substance (a short-chain fatty acid, or SCFA) that is produced when the beneficial bacteria in our colon digest/break down fiber. Butyrate itself is the preferred energy source for the cells of the colon and helps keep our gut lining strong and healthy. Butyrate has many health benefits - it is anti-inflammatory, increases our ability to absorb minerals, plays a protective role against colon cancer, and prevents the growth of unhealthy bacteria [1].

We can help the bacteria in our gut produce butyrate by eating foods that are high in fiber like vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. Grass-fed butter and cheese also good sources of naturally-occurring butyrate.


Is Butyrate Beneficial for Autism?

Naturally-occurring butyrate made by the bacteria in the gut is beneficial for everyone, but taking an additional butyrate supplement isn’t always necessary (though it can be very beneficial for those who need it!)

When stool samples were measured, kids on the autism spectrum had significantly less butyrate in their samples, fewer butyrate-producing bacteria, and higher rates of constipation [2]. Studies have shown that butyrate can have benefits for kids on the autism spectrum including supporting the mitochondria [3], and reducing repetitive behaviors (in mouse models) [4, 5].

Individuals on the autism spectrum generally have a lower intake of dietary fiber due to sensory aversions and selective eating, which slows growth of the beneficial bacteria that naturally create butyrate. Increasing fiber in the diet or via prebiotics can help increase butyrate-producing bacteria, or supplementing with butyrate can directly increase levels.


Examples of common butyrate supplements include:

The following fiber supplements can encourage bacteria to produce butyrate. Ideally, you want prebiotic fiber supplements that contain inulin-type fructans (ITF), arabinoxylan (AX), arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS). [1]

DISCLAIMER: Before starting any supplement or medication, always consult with your healthcare provider to ensure it is a good fit for your child. Dosage can vary based on age, weight, gender, and current diet.

*All supplements are linked to Amazon for convenience, however, buying supplements on Amazon does not guarantee quality, as there are many “unverified resellers” selling nutrition supplements. To buy supplements that are verified to be sent directly to the consumer, you can create an account on the Autism Dietitian FullScript and search for the supplement under “Catalog”.


Elisa Rocks, RDN, CLT

Edited & Reviewed by Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD, CLT


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